Frequently asked questions

Who can book a session?

This type of counseling is most effective for those individuals who are seeking quick solutions to problems in their life. You must be fully committed to this process and ready to be put in the work. Currently accepting therapy clients who reside in the state of TEXAS.

What type of sessions do you offer?

Sessions are provided via Zoom. No in-person sessions available at this time.

How long are sessions?

BVOY sessions are designed to be efficient and can last up to 60 minutes. Typically individuals meet weekly for up to 12 weeks. After this time, individuals report a significant improvement and choose to end treatment or move to a maintenance schedule.

What topics can be explored?

Depressed mood, anxious thoughts, relationship issues, feeling overwhelmed and stressed, grief and trauma.

What is the cost?

Private pay: $125 per session

Current Insurance Accepted: Aetna, BCBS, Cigna and Optum